Friday, February 19, 2016

Space travel: a reality?

The human race has wanted to travel to space since Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon in 1969.  Now the space tourism is nearer than ever.

The founder of Tesla, Elon Musk, is leading the project known as Space X, to reach this objective. The company is working with the NASA, and they have built the Falcon 9. This rocket is the first that has landed vertically in history after a space trip.

Also, another enterpraise known as Virgin, founded by Sir Richard Benson, is working in space travel. They built the SpaceShipTwo, that was planned to travel to space full of tourists. 700 people bought their tickets paying 250.000 dollars. The first flight was a test, but it ended in accident, dying the pilot. After this many people have cancelled their tickets and we don´t know when the final official flight will take place.

Space X is collaborating with the NASA, studying how people in the ISS live.

Falcon 9 landing

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